McKinney Texas Temple

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Letter Regarding the Conditional Use Permit for the McKinney Texas Temple (August 5, 2024)​

Here is a copy of the full letter sent to the town council regarding the construction of the McKinney Texas Temple.

Media Statement (July 11, 2024)

As we continue to work through the approval process for the McKinney Texas Temple, we appreciate the goodwill of those helping to make this sacred place of worship possible. 

This morning, representatives from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints met with Fairview Town Mayor Henry Lessner, Mayor Pro Tem John Hubbard, Town Manager Julie Couch, and Town Attorney Clark McCoy to discuss the proposed McKinney Temple. During this meeting, the Church presented a good faith offer that included reducing the height of the temple by approximately 15 feet and changing the name of the temple. 

Despite these significant concessions, those in attendance said they would not support or recommend this offer to the Town Council. Furthermore, the town attorney refused to allow Church representatives to meet with the other Town Council members to address their concerns directly. 

We remain hopeful that we can reach a mutual agreement and continue to work towards a solution that benefits both the Town of Fairview and the local membership of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.


McKinney Texas Temple
641 E. Stacy Rd. Fairview, TX 75069

What is a temple?

“The temple is the house of the Lord. The basis for every temple ordinance and covenant … is the Atonement of Jesus Christ. Every activity, every lesson, all we do in the Church, point to the Lord and His holy house.”

President Russell M. Nelson

Temples of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are houses of the Lord. They are places where individuals can go to make sacred promises with God, feel His Spirit, and escape from the hectic demands of day-to-day life.

Temples have been around for a long time. Moses had a tabernacle, Solomon built a beautiful temple, and Jesus taught at the temple in Jerusalem. Today, temples are built all over the world. In over 140 temples worldwide, faithful members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints find opportunities for peaceful reflection and for learning more about God’s plan of happiness.

Inside temples, couples can be married for eternity, not just “’til death do you part.” Church members can also perform baptisms and other ordinances for their loved ones who died without receiving these blessings.

You can learn more about temples here on the church website.

Fact Sheet And Q&A About The Temple

Here is a fact sheet about the McKinney Texas Temple.

Here is a list of questions and answers about building temples.

Community Impact

Like all residents of Fairview, members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints value a community that is inclusive and one that welcomes all religious faiths. The proposed McKinney Temple on Stacy Road will join three other existing or proposed houses of worship of differing denominations—all of which symbolize these ideals...

Latter-day Saint temples differ from meetinghouses where church members and our friends meet for Sunday worship services and other weekday activities. We consider a temple to be a literal “House of the Lord”, much like Biblical temples. It is where the Gospel of Jesus Christ is taught through sacred ordinances that bless individuals and unite families for eternity. Inside, members learn more about the purpose of life and make promises to serve Jesus Christ and bless the lives of others.Everything members experience in the temple centers on Jesus Christ and His Gospel—which is to love God and our neighbors.

The proposed McKinney Temple is a two-story, 44,000 square feet design. This size will accommodate a growing population of Latter-day Saints in North Texas and serve 16,000 members from Fairview and the surrounding areas, including Mckinney, Allen, Frisco, Prosper and Sherman. Currently, the nearest operating temple is in Dallas—with an additional under construction in the Fort Worth area.

The McKinney Temple will be a place of beauty and peace. This is reflected in its planned architecture, built to the highest standards of construction, and designed to enhance the community. For example, the building will be set back from the road with landscaping in the foreground including lawns, trees, and flowers to beautify the area.

Concerns have been raised about this project. We have been following all federal, state, and local laws and ordinances regarding the approval process—and will continue to do so. These laws and ordinances allow all denominations to seek variance approval of the size, height, lighting, and other features of their proposed houses of worship. Our request for a height variance is not uncommon and similar requests have been made by other organizations who have built in Fairview. In fact, religious groups follow this same approval process in communities throughout the United States in constructing houses of worship.

Across denominations, a steeple’s upward reach symbolizes the aspiration to connect with God and the heavens—and it represents spiritual ascent and the desire for communion with the divine. It visualizes a beacon of light and hope. Reverand James Field, of the Catholic Archdiocese in Boston, described steeples as “theology in brick and mortar.” Latter-day Saints share these same sentiments.

Unlike a cathedral, LDS temples do not contain a single, large sanctuary for Sunday worship. Instead, they are designed with a series of smaller rooms where the highest ordinances of the Church take place in small, reverent services by special appointment during the week. Because of this, large numbers of people do not attend at the same time—and traffic in and out of the temple will be minimal. Local lighting ordinances will be followed, ensuring that the beauty of the building can be admired at night without disturbing the character of the town.

We desire to be good neighbors and welcome your questions or concerns about the project.

McKinney Texas Temple, 641 E. Stacy Rd. Fairview, TX 75069

See how high the actual steeple of the temple will look from various locations nearby. These conceptual images show proper perspective, proportion, and scale. They were created using real photographs, US topography from Open Street Map, and satellite coordinate imagery from Mapbox.

The Church has conducted numerous studies to ensure the temple is following all requirements from the City of Fairview.

What is RLUIPA?

Click here to learn more about why temples are so important to members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and How the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act (“RLUIPA”) supports the Church’s right to build the Temple in the selected location in Fairview and with its current design.

Here is a copy of the letter from the U.S. Department of Justice Civil Rights Division regarding RULIPA. Also, here is another letter to the town attorney that includes references to some of the most relevant RLUIPA cases.

Land Use Entitlement Process

Navigating the land use entitlement process is crucial for any property development project. This guide outlines the essential steps involved, from the initial design phase to obtaining necessary municipal approvals.

Project Timeline

October 2, 2022

A temple is announced by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, to be built in the Prosper, TX area.

December 4, 2023

Temple site is announced in Fairview, TX along with the resulting name change to the McKinney, TX Temple.

March 21, 2024

First community open house

May 2, 2024

Second community open house

May 9, 2024

Fairview Planning and Zoning Meeting where the temple application was reviewed and did not pass 6 to 1.

June 4, 2024

Fairview Town Council Meeting: Town council granted a continuance to Aug 6.

August 6, 2024

Fairview Town Council Meeting where the Application for a Conditional Use Permit for the temple will be presented.

Show Your Support​

You can show your support for the construction of the McKinney Texas Temple by signing the petition here.

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The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
For media inquiries about the McKinney Texas Temple, please visit

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